Monday, July 19, 2010

The Beginning

The Beginning
Monday July 19, 2010

Faith Lane Farm

Faith Lane Farm where did this name come
When we drove up to the property it
was referred to as Shay Lane. Due to this
property being farmed, the road to the
property was formed. At the closing they
told us the name of the lane, Faith Lane.
I knew then that this was God's hand.

The crazy part is we drove to Kentucky
for our 25th anniversary. Who would
know we would buy property. My family
has listened to me talk about having a farm
probably my whole life.

Who would know the little red hair girl
from Goodland, Kans would move to
New Jersey to meet her prince.

There will come a day, when the
two would follow their dreams and
start a farm.

Trust in the Lord and He will give
you the desires of your heart.

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...