Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Habitat for the Insects

As a grower, I have always been concerned about the natural world. 
 Many years ago when there was the big news article about how pesticides were killing off a major part of our bee population.

I began having a bigger interest in finding out how I could make a change at our farm.
Due to us buying land from an old farm where there is only grass.
 I came across this video series that I found very interesting even though it is in England, I feel we have the same issues here in the US.  Sarah Raven is a well-known author and I am so happy she has made a campaign to take some action for change.
As a flower grower, it is important we are growing a certain type of flower.  As she states the typical show stoppers they use in public flower beds the bees do not visit these flowers.
The bees have to bee able to get to the pollen so more open flowers are the answer.
Grow some annuals and perennials that will attract all types of beneficial insects.
Bee Balm is one of those flowers that do very well for this purpose.
Order some open pollinated or heirloom seed today.
This growing season let's think more about the bees.


Friday, March 3, 2017

New Spring Flowers

 This year my focus is to learn more about growing some new early spring flowers. 
These lovely blue flowers are called Forget Me Nots and they are a plant I am striving to produce.
The other spring flower is called Scabiosa, and both these flowers are being grown from seed.

Tall Growing Annuals
Forget Me Nots

Anemones and Ranunculus are both grown from corms, the amazing part of growing these for the first time is how small they come and before you know it they have swelled and become larger than you thought possible.  Pre-sprouting is the key to the success of these two flowers, a lot of growers write about.  Although I did mine under lights and in very cool moist conditions, that was all they needed.  The last step for me was planting them in crates in very light soil conditions with homemade potting soil.  In my potting soil a fertilizer called, Catalyst Fertilizer +BioChar 7-6-6 Natural Plant Food, grit, and vermiculite, peat moss.



These plants only grow in cool weather so timing is very important.  I am very thankful to Floret Farm for her great explanations on growing these flowers I have learned so much from her and about making a business out cut flowers.

If you want to learn about flower farming or just want to have your own cutting garden her blog has a lot of info.

I have not met her in person, but one day I hope that will happen.

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...