Tuesday, May 24, 2011

 Mesculan Mix

Who would like to have salad.
To me its salad season.

I do not have space cultivated at the
farm.  For a couple of reasons, it seems
we are having  lots of rain.  Everyday it
seems were getting a thunderstorm.

My dear husband went and got these crates
for me that he found on craigs list.
Not bad for two dollars each.

The house we are renting has a nice deck area.
So, I decided to grow lettuce seeds in the crate.

I start by putting paper in the bottom of the crate.

Then I add the soil, which is basically 
dehydrated cow manure, peat moss, 
and bone meal.

Sprinkle the seeds and sprinkle some soil.

Then you know what happened next, it rained.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Do You Need Inspiration To Grow Your Own Food

Monday May 16, 2011

Here is how you  can find inspiration to grow
your own food?

I watched this video when 
I lived in New Jersey on a small plot of land.
That was when I decided to change my life.

So, I began thinking outside of the box.

I started out small and the garden grew over 
the years.  By the time we moved I was gardening 
on a plot of 2379 square feet.

That may seem like a lot but if we ate as many 
fruits and vegetables that they recommend for 
out diet its not.

Yes, I would like to grow what I eat.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fight Against GMO Foods

Friday May 13,2011

This is a real eye opener
to the foods we are buying.

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...