Monday, September 12, 2016

The Dahlia Blooms

Every season has its own flower that comes into bloom.
At the end of summer I am always trying to figure what we can 
have blooming. 
 So, I plant dahlia tubers late so I can have something 
beautiful to look at.  Plant your tubers in June and
in the fall enjoy the presence of The Dahlia.
I know it is a long wait, but you will not be sorry.

The Dahlia is a perennial grown from a tuber that you plant 
like a bulb.   It can grow 3 feet tall and will bloom until frost.
The one draw back is you will need to dig your tuber up and
store it over the winter.

Dinner Plate Dahlia(which is in the photo)

I think that is my goal in growing flowers, to grow
a flower that has beauty.
The other part of growing flowers is to share with other people
who may want to have beauty in their own yards or on their
kitchen counter as cut flowers.
Have you ever looked at gardening as a way to express art?
Claude Monet was an Impressionist painter, he was one of those people I always admired.
He painted some of the most amazing pictures, but he also had an 
amazing garden.
Dahlia Painting by Claude Monet

Tuesday, August 16, 2016



This year I took the plunge and bought
500 bulbs, which was a lot for me.   I wasn't sure I would get them planted but I had always wanted to try growing them in succession with my flowers.  The glads got special attention this year, as the one of the most beautiful summer flowers.
So far, I have had peach, white, purple, and red.  I did leave some of last years glads in the ground but that did not go over very well as they are not flowering.  It could mean they are in too heavy of soil to their liking.  That is one of the struggles of growing bulbs in Kentucky as the soil needs amending.  but I will be digging them up as the weather cools.
I also had bought some in small quantities last year and they were planted at the beginning of the season.  The orange and yellow flowers are from that bunch.

I did cut some of the purple ones for showing florist in the city. It was because of a florist in Lexington that encouraged me to grow more flowers over 3 years ago when I had started this cutting garden by the house. This season made it our 4th growing season in this garden and the beds are starting to have some good health to them. I never thought then that I would plant 500 bulbs since I have always just planted flowers for pure enjoyment.  I always thought about sharing my love of cut flowers that my grandmother and mother passed on to me.
 So that is what I am doing.
I would like to be part of the community of growers in the US, and encourage people to buy from the local market.

Go out today and put some beauty in your house, bring the outdoors inside with some local cut flowers..

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Hot Summer

We are walking through the hot summer days.  
You know the sunflower will never fail you in the hot heat.
This year due to growing many other flowers that required my 
attention the sunflower seemed to fair on its own, very nicely.
Although, this was my first time growing them in succession, 
direct seeded.  

Following the advice of Johnny Seeds and planting them on a
schedule has worked out quite nicely.
  Of course, having the heat has been a plus.
We sell them by the stem if you want some to adorn your table,
come and get some.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Early Season Flowers

It so early in the season when there really not much going on in the plant growers 
world. Tulips have got to be one of my favorite flowers that come in the early season.

 I have this love relationship with watching beautiful flowers grow.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Early Flowers

Sweet Peas

These climbing vines are a great flower for the cutting garden in the spring.
Learning to be a flower grower is always a challenge, but it is what gets me out
side early in the morning. 

This is a fairly new flower for me as I just started growing these last year.
Last year I grew a small amount of these, but my soil was not quite where it needed to be.
Working with the Kentucky soil has been a challenge but not nothing I can't handle.
 This year I am hoping for a larger amount of these stunning beauties.
 I have a couple of years working the soil. 
Some of the things that I have done to lighten up my soil is putting sand, peat moss,
manure, and straw consecutively for 3 years now.  
  Some of the books I have read about this cut flower is that it needs lots of organic matter and light soil is necessary.

When you get close to flower your first instinct is to smell the flower.
It is always a let down when the flowers are beautiful but have no scent.
 On this little piece of land we will strive to grow flowers that have a scent.

 These are supposed to be good choice of the early season cut flowers.  

The one thing that is going to give you a good root growth before
 you plant them outside is starting them inside weeks ahead of time.
You will want to soak the seeds overnight in a small amount of water.

 Of course don't forget to label the different kinds, you will not remember the next day.

Happy Growing!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


In the beginning of the year you would think a gardener has nothing to do.  
Due to mild temperatures here in Kentucky it allowed me to continue working
outside off and on.
Plus, it allowed me to plant bulbs much later in the season than normal.

In the early part of fall I was digging up clumps of iris rhizomes and separated them
into new individual plants.  You just feel sorry for them when you find them all growing together.
Its like they are suffocating.  This was from an inspiring youtube British show on iris plants.
These are just a few of those jobs that are done in the fall.  Its actually just as a
busy time but just different than the normal growing season.

The other task was to combat the weeds that thought they were going to take over.
I have to tell you about a british gardener that I follow.
she put one up on getting rid of weeds.

Alys Fowler winter work

Love your all seasons. 

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...