Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring is here

Spring is Here

I am so pleased to see Spring.
I love to see all the new plants 
coming up through the soil.

We were at the farm this week as
the weather was nice, in the 50's.

The peas were breaking through the
ground making themselves known.

Flower farming is something I have
been looking into this past year.
We are going to begin with Iris
flowers since I have them in abundance.
When we lived in New Jersey I was always
propagating the Iris plants.  I ended up with
hundreds of these precious flowers.  If your a
new follower you can always check out my
old blog The Jersey Homesteader.
This week at the farm I contiuned with planting
the Iris rhizomes.

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...