Sunday, July 19, 2015

Flowers and more flowers

What are your favorite flowers in the summer?
Well I have a one I would like to mention.
To me every garden should have just one of these stunning
yellow beauties.
Now you can direct seed them in your garden for a great burst
of color come this fall. 
There are so many types to choose from.  On our farm
we grow mostly branching types.  Which allows us to cut
from many different times during the blooming stages.

There are many different types
If you want to get to the flower before the birds do
cut them before the fully open.  This is the best time
to cut them for cut flowers.

For a continuous supply of flowers continue planting
throughout the summer.

Looking at the calender we have about 90 days left
in the growing season.

  More flowers to come.
Flowers on their way to market.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Rudebeckia Flowers
We are having some great color this summer.
This is the second season of these flowers, they seem
to get taller every year.
Nice and tall just what our customers like at the market.
 In early June we started taking fresh cut flower bouquets to Good Foods,
in Lexington. 

We get these as plugs in the spring and then in late summer
we will get the first flowers from that planting. The following
year we get plenty of seed that produces and more plants are produced.

Summer in the Garden

Summer Flowers It never amazes me how hard we work through Spring for our Summer flowers. Zinnias, Sunflowers and of course Dahlia...